Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reality or just not real?

I couldn't believe my eyes when I got to a certain part of the Dorothy Cannell book! It is such a fun book, as the whole series is, and I can incorporate a book review both here(when I finish the book) and in the novel I am writing! Gotta love Dorothy!

Then, when I logged on to write this, imagine my HORROR to discover that OJ Simpson wants to be on Donald Trumps' "The Apprentice", and that TMZ (I'm addicted to TMZ to watch celeb train wrecks) reports that he is under serious consideration! Well, on the other hand, it might be fun to watch The Donald ridicule him and make him lunge for The Donald on TV and get OJ put away for good! A bonus could be that if he earns any money for appearing it would go right to The Goldmans!

The More Books the Better

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