I can't believe it's been a week since I blogged. Where does the time go? Does time seem speeded up to you, too? It's almost Memorial Day already!
My favorite stories of this week:
1) David Cook wins American Idol! Yay! I just love this guy and have been rooting for him for weeks and weeks. He definitely has Rock Star quality and also has a big heart. It was so week how he kept putting his arm around Archie's shoulders like a big brother. How about Simon apologizing to him for what he said the night before the finale? I don't care how much they protest, Simon knew who was going to win and wanted to save face. I think most of us on the net knew who the winner was from the polls. Twelve million votes is quite a margin.
My second favorite story is from Japan. I first saw it on the Drudge report, then heard it on Coast to Coast, and then it was on Fox news this morning. Here is the text from Drudge:
TOKYO - When Yosuke the parrot flew out of his cage and got lost, he did exactly what he had been taught — recite his name and address to a stranger willing to help.
Police rescued the African grey parrot two weeks ago from a neighbor's roof in the city of Nagareyama, near Tokyo. After spending a night at the station, he was transferred to a nearby veterinary hospital while police searched for clues, local policeman Shinjiro Uemura said.
He kept mum with the cops, but began chatting after a few days with the vet.
"I'm Mr. Yosuke Nakamura," the bird told the veterinarian, according to Uemura. The parrot also provided his full home address, down to the street number, and even entertained the hospital staff by singing songs.
"We checked the address, and what do you know, a Nakamura family really lived there. So we told them we've found Yosuke," Uemura said.
The Nakamura family told police they had been teaching the bird its name and address for about two years.
But Yosuke apparently wasn't keen on opening up to police officials.
"I tried to be friendly and talked to him, but he completely ignored me," Uemura said.
3) Here in Massachusetts the news of Ted Kennedy's illness really struck home. He's been a Senator from our state for over 40 years. While many of us do not agree with his politics, face it, he does keep getting re-elected, and I think most all of us can put politics aside to wish him well. We know he's getting the best care in the world. The most touching scene for me was when his dogs were at the hospital to greet him as he exited. He looked so pleased to see them. He was walking at least one of them when he had the seizure, and I bet the dog was scared silly--the tails were wagging when they saw him walking out, that's for sure!
Stay well! Be kind to each other!
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