We've apparantly got Bumble Bees finding a way into our living room. Also one Yellow Jacket in the bedrom yesterday. I'm becoming quite proficient as a Bee Whisperer as I can open the front door several feet away and say "Here Bee, Come Here Bee" and they come and go out. Since I never see more than one Bumbler, I wonder if it could be the same one who wants my attention for something? I decided to Blog about this. As I was trying to upload a graphic of a pretty Bee and some pretty flowers, the computer locked up. Deciding to leave it alone for a few minutes, I headed back to the living room and there was a Bee! It is now outside, having heeded my call to go back to the great outdoors.
Just finished a great book today. It is the 2nd book by one of my new favorite authors. Please feel free to purchase it from Amazon via this link!
TV for the most part remains unwatchable. Daytime, primetime, anytime. AWFUL. Almost the only things I watch are the Boston Fox Morning News which is very entertaining for a news show, and the Red Sox (when they aren't on until 1 am or later). So, it's "More Books the Better" for me!
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