Cute ad above! Although I don't drink milk, I love the ads! Becky Herbst is sooo thin and pretty! We use Soy Milk-- preferably Silk.
Quote of the day: Coco Crisp after the Bench Clearing Brawl last night: They were pulling my hair like little girls!
I wondered what he was laughing at after the fight! I called that BCB way before it happened. I told Mike it was coming. He said "You've been wanting one for a month".
True enough! The funniest thing ever was Remdawg and Don pretend fighting in the announcers booth after Manny went off and hit Youk. Now what was THAT about? Manny is usually the coolest cat who never gets really upset....
I have been trying to replace the inkjet cartridges in my printer. Mike refills them to save $$. I own 4 currently--3 black, one color. All four are low so I cannot print. I would attempt to refill them myself, but just getting them out of the printer I somehow managed to get ink not only on my white shirt and peach slacks, but on my inner arm, all the way to my armpit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF???
Happy Friday
The More Books the Better
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