Holy Macaroni Batman! I have not blogged since May 25th!!! Where did that time go?
A lot has happened- Mike and I had our 24th anniversary on June 2nd. We officially adopted Ollie (see above) the Cat From Next Door. We had Mike's parents and sister Michelle visit for several days in June, and a wonderful family get together here with Mike's other sister and her family who I had not seen in many moons! It was great fun!
4th of July came to pass, and there were finally fireworks here. They'd been delayed because of rain almost the whole month of June and into the first couple of days of July. So, I guess that about accounts for the time flying and my lack of blogging!
I'm still trying to get the word out and sell some more copies of "Are You Gonna Eat That Banana/" before it withers and dies and goes out of print. There is indeed a sequel in my brain, but it may not come to me to type until I get some motivation by seeing "Banana" move at least a few more copies. You can get it by clicking this link:
Or a Kindle version here:
Happy July! Enjoy your summer! Nudge me now and then on Twitter or Facebook to blog! LauraHinds for both!
The More Books the Better
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