Monday, April 19, 2010

I love author Heather Webber's books! Truly, Madly, I do!

  Happy Monday!  This morning I have vowed to sit down and pound out at least 2,000 words on my WIP.  It's early (7 am) so that is still within the realm of possibility.

  Yet over my morning java, I finished reading Heather Webber's new book Truly, Madly  The book won me over in the first chapter and by the end, I was just about drooling with anticipation for the soon to be released Deeply, Desperately.  Thus, my priorities shifted and I just had to write this blog entry.  After all, my WIP isn't going to get up and walk away on it's own, and I'm really not stuck in Procrastination Station (waving madly to Heather here!).  It's very important to me to take the time to share my profound appreciation of the wonderful authors whose work I enjoy immensely and those who inspire me when the words that fly out of my fingertips are much more awkward than they were in my head.  Heather is most definitely an inspiration, she makes me want to write better and as soon as I finish this, watch out WIP here I come!

  I became a fan on Heather's while reading her Nina Quinn Mystery Series and as I virtually met Heather through Facebook & got to know more about her as a person I realized how special she is. I anxiously awaited her new series starring  Lucy Valentine, who has the psychic gift of finding lost items which she sees in visions that appear when shaking hands with people who have lost or misplaced something important to them. Lucy's family has their own secret ability; that of seeing auras and using the auras to matchmake couples who are bound to work out. Lucy lost that talent due to an electrical surge, thus opening the door to her new skill and her desire to find a purpose behind it. In Truly, Madly ,is set in and around Boston, Heather writes with genuine knowledge and love for the area, having grown up in a suburb of Boston herself.  This, of course, made me curious (aka nosy) since I live in a suburb of Boston and wondered if she'd been raised nearby me.  I got my answer as I perused her website and learned where she had her first job delivering papers.  Not so near to me, as it turns out, but Heather is very much a lady after my own heart and we both root for the Red Sox, and after, all, that's what really counts if you are a Massachusetts native!

  For those who love a good mystery, a unique storyline, and great, fun characters who are so well written you want them to be your friends in real life, you won't want to miss the new Lucy Valentine series.  Gardeners (and everyone else, frankly) will also love the Nina Quinn mysteries.  I promise!  You can order copies from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers, but wouldn't it be great to support your local independent book store?  Please be sure to visit Heather's web site to learn more about Heather and her books.  She also blogs on the site, has a contest, and lots of cool content.

  Heather and I do have more than a love of writing and reading and the Red Sox in common:  we both love animals, don't know how to use an MP3 player, have never traveled overseas, tend to procrastinate, and have bad memories!  I had to go back to  Heather's Web Site to re-read her "about" page to refresh my memory on the above points...and I know there are more, but I seem to have disremembered.

  Anyway- the long and the short of it is this: get yourself copies of all of Heather's books.  You can read the Nina Quinn mysteries while waiting for "Deeply Desperately" to be released in August.  First though, grab ahold of "Truly, Madly" and don't let go until you have thoroughly enjoyed every single word!  Hat's off to Heather.

  Oh, but wait!  I just remembered something!  When I was looking into Heather's background, oh so discreetly, to see if she'd been a neighbor at any time, I tried Wikipedia.  The only Heather Webber I found was the notorious vixen from daytime drama "General Hospital".  That Heather Webber had a few portrayers, but one of them was Cher's sister Georganne LaPierre! Hmmm.The son of that Heather Webber is now a doc on the I don't know exactly what happened to "Heather", but wouldn't it be a hoot if our beloved author friend made a cameo on the show, perhaps as a patient, using her own name?  Perhaps I can connect my best bud Karen WubsNet and Heather to do an interview about her books and her drama queen namesake....I'll be doing some guest blogging at WubsNet this week myself, so GH fans, you'll know where to find me, although I can pretty much guarantee I'll only have half an ear on the tv as I'll be knee deep in my own WIP!
Peace & Light,

1 comment:

Heather Webber said...

Laura, I really can't thank you enough. Really.

I love when a book inspires me to write, and for mine to have inspired you... I'm all mushy and gushy. Thank you.

Oh, and I'm giving your blog the One Lovely Blog award. Check my blog today to read about it:

Happy writing!