Today I'd like to congratulate my dear friend, Carolyn Howard-Johnson on the special Online Launch of her fabulous book "Frugal and Focused Tweeting for Retailers"
Carolyn is one of the smartest people I've ever encountered, and she is as generous, kind and thoughtful as she is smart. I have learned and continue to learn so much from her, and it's an honor for me to share information on this latest book with you. If you are a retailer who wants to learn about Tweeting to improve your business, or a Tweeter who wants to learn retail marketing and utilize your Twitter skills you will love this book.
I had the opportunity to read it recently & I've now read it three times. While the information is presented in an easy to understand manner, there is so much knowledge within the pages that I wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything. Carolyn sure doesn't- she never misses a trick.
Below is a link for information to her Online Launch using the services of Promotion a la carte (Hi Aggie!). You can find out more about Carolyn's appearances at that site.
Next you will see Carolyn's smiling face on the image of the cover of "Frugal and Focused Tweeting for Retailers"
Last, but not least, the review I was delighted to write for for their August update (coming soon).
It is my fondest hope today that readers/retailers/writers will take time to learn more about this accomplished and savvy woman who takes pride and delight in teaching and helping others. I know you will find her books and her blog and her Tweets as insightful and educational as I do!
Are you can experienced Twitter user? Or are you a novice user or perhaps someone who has yet to dare to dip your toes into the Twitterverse? If any of these circumstances apply to you, “Frugal and Focused Tweeting” will teach you things you probably don’t already know about Twitter, and will most certainly help you get off on the right “Tweet” if you are just starting out.
In her friendly, easy to understand, and fun manner, Carolyn Howard- Johnson shares the simple ways to make use of your Twitter account to help grow your online or offline business. While the book is targeted, as evidenced by the title, to retailers it offers important information to anyone who seeks to further understand how to use Twitter and gain maximum benefit from the time you spend doing so.
You will learn about the Twitter Interface, how to build a targeted group of followers, the best ways to integrate your Tweets with other Social Media. Within a few short sections of this book you will be familiar with Twitter tools, statistics, and how to set your goals and follow through with them.
Once you’ve mastered the main content of the book, you’ll find a helpful appendix section which includes sample Tweets, a glossary of Twitter terms, and an introduction to some Twitter Applications to help you organize your ever burgeoning Twitter contacts.
Without a doubt in my mind, I recommend that anyone and everyone who wants to utilize Twitter to its fullest potential should read this book. It’s one you’ll want to keep on hand by your computer or in E-book form on your desktop.
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