Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
It's a Beautiful Wedding video
Our niece Amy and her beloved, Mike were married November 7, 2010 in Charleston, South Carolina.
I'm so pleased to share this lovely video slideshow. Have your tissues handy and make sure your speakers are turned on for the music.
Military Dream Wedding 2010 - Amy and Mike on Vimeo
I'm so pleased to share this lovely video slideshow. Have your tissues handy and make sure your speakers are turned on for the music.
Military Dream Wedding 2010 - Amy and Mike on Vimeo
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Dear NaNoWriMo
Dear NaNoWriMo,
Thank you for another fun-filled November. I really appreciate the pep talks, the web badges, the badgering to keep on going, the egg throwing, the monkey buying, and I find the spaceship crashing most enjoyable.
Did anyone tell you that after one year I am still editing the NaNo Novel I wrote last November? I didn't think so.
I am also working hard on my NaNovel this year. However, I refuse to surrender and give up everything else life has to offer this month. So I'm a lil behind on my word count at the half-way point.
Therefore, I am writing to suggest a novel idea; let's make it National Novel Writing Months! I propose that we extend this through December as well so we can have even more reasons to hide out in our writing space during the Christmas season.
Oh, I don't mean to cheat and take two months to write a mere 50,000 words. Let's double it up! Double or nothing! 100,000 words by December 31st.
Let's run this by the other WriMo's, shall we and get a vote on it?
I'm going back to viewing the all important LOL cats and spewing typed drivel.
K Tkx Bai
Friday, November 5, 2010
New book cover for "There's No Place Like Gnome"
During a NaNoWriMo morning break, and while I was waiting to find out just how my husband was going to go from stranded in Charlotte NC airport to where he needs to be in Charleston, SC, I decided to completely redo the book cover. "There's No Place Like Gnome" is now on track for a Christmas season release, and book 3 is being drafted during this NaNoWriMo month!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloweenie! Staring Azan, Rose, Geddy, Alex and Neil
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Just the Facts: "Trickle Up Economy" The More Than "Inconvenient" Truth
Kindle Edition
Michael Savage has written a masterpiece on the current state of politics and economics and yes, encroaching socialism in the USA.
You might hear about this book and be led to wonder how he could possibly substantiate all the details of each chapter. Yet you will find every chapter heavily annotated and documentation for every alleged instance of the manipulation of our economic and social systems.
You might hear about this book and be led to wonder how he could possibly substantiate all the details of each chapter. Yet you will find every chapter heavily annotated and documentation for every alleged instance of the manipulation of our economic and social systems.
This book is so very important for Americans to read to learn how, and indeed how quickly, we must act to save our country. Borders, language and culture are just the tip of the iceberg.
Buy a copy for yourself. Buy extras for your friends. Spread the word. If we don't save ourselves, we are sunk. The meltdown (intentional) of our economy, the takeover of vast segments of our freedoms and the land grabs must be stopped.
Monday, October 4, 2010
A Nose For Hanky Panky
Well long time, no blog, eh? I have to admit that I've fallen far off the blogging train and apologize for my neglectfulness. I've been brought out of my "busy with other stuff stupor" to write about a really good new mystery book that I've recently had the pleasure to read and review. Read on to discover more about "A Nose for Hanky Panky"
Author Sharon Love Cook lives in a city nearby to my own, and I first saw mention of her in an article in The Salem News last winter. I was intrigued by the concept of her forthcoming book and sent her an email expressing my interest. Some months later Sharon got in touch with me and agreed to send me a copy of "A Nose for Hanky Panky" to read and review. I was thrilled when it arrived just a day later, and was even enchanted by the classy wrapping paper she used. That tipped me off that Sharon has a good eye for style and detail.
"A Nose for Hanky Panky" reflects the same: style and detail. The book is winsome, charming, fun, funny, and suspenseful all wrapped together. I particularly enjoyed how the characters are shown to be very human and pretty well rounded. I'd like to bring a few of them to "real life" to have as friends.
The mystery tale revolves around the stunning murder of local hot shot psychologist Dr. Vivian Klinger. The police have a suspect in mind and don't seem inclined to follow any other leads. Rest assured, our intrepid reporter Rose McNichols is on the case and hot on the trail of the killer. Unfortunately, she hasn't quite figured out whose trail it is she is hot on.
With wonderfully accurate descriptions of places, sights and sounds of the Cape Ann area, she evokes the sensibilties of readers so that they may feel transported enough to smell the ocean. Ms. Cook has a knack for using just the right combinations of words almost make you forget you are reading a fictional story. I felt as involved with the novel that I was sad when it ended. That said, I have something to look forward to as the series continues and evolves. I can't wait for the sequel!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sadness at MyShelf- Kim Malo has passed away
My heart and soul are very sad this afternoon. Earlier, I learned of the sudden passing of my colleague at MyShelf, my friend, Kim Malo.
Kim was undoubtedly the most intelligent person I have ever known. She was so outstanding at everything she did and I found myself always in awe of her. Despite difficulties that life threw her way, Kim did not complain. Ever.
There are so many more things I wish to say about Kim, but as another colleague said "words are not coming easy."
The loss of Kim is palpable. My heart aches. I fervently hope that wherever Kim is in the great beyond, she has a limitless supply of books, a super speed computer and no more pain or suffering ever again.
God rest her soul. Kim you are missed so much and we will never, ever forget you.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Frugal and Focused Tweeting review and Online Launch
Today I'd like to congratulate my dear friend, Carolyn Howard-Johnson on the special Online Launch of her fabulous book "Frugal and Focused Tweeting for Retailers"
Carolyn is one of the smartest people I've ever encountered, and she is as generous, kind and thoughtful as she is smart. I have learned and continue to learn so much from her, and it's an honor for me to share information on this latest book with you. If you are a retailer who wants to learn about Tweeting to improve your business, or a Tweeter who wants to learn retail marketing and utilize your Twitter skills you will love this book.
I had the opportunity to read it recently & I've now read it three times. While the information is presented in an easy to understand manner, there is so much knowledge within the pages that I wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything. Carolyn sure doesn't- she never misses a trick.
Below is a link for information to her Online Launch using the services of Promotion a la carte (Hi Aggie!). You can find out more about Carolyn's appearances at that site.
Next you will see Carolyn's smiling face on the image of the cover of "Frugal and Focused Tweeting for Retailers"
Last, but not least, the review I was delighted to write for for their August update (coming soon).
It is my fondest hope today that readers/retailers/writers will take time to learn more about this accomplished and savvy woman who takes pride and delight in teaching and helping others. I know you will find her books and her blog and her Tweets as insightful and educational as I do!
Are you can experienced Twitter user? Or are you a novice user or perhaps someone who has yet to dare to dip your toes into the Twitterverse? If any of these circumstances apply to you, “Frugal and Focused Tweeting” will teach you things you probably don’t already know about Twitter, and will most certainly help you get off on the right “Tweet” if you are just starting out.
In her friendly, easy to understand, and fun manner, Carolyn Howard- Johnson shares the simple ways to make use of your Twitter account to help grow your online or offline business. While the book is targeted, as evidenced by the title, to retailers it offers important information to anyone who seeks to further understand how to use Twitter and gain maximum benefit from the time you spend doing so.
You will learn about the Twitter Interface, how to build a targeted group of followers, the best ways to integrate your Tweets with other Social Media. Within a few short sections of this book you will be familiar with Twitter tools, statistics, and how to set your goals and follow through with them.
Once you’ve mastered the main content of the book, you’ll find a helpful appendix section which includes sample Tweets, a glossary of Twitter terms, and an introduction to some Twitter Applications to help you organize your ever burgeoning Twitter contacts.
Without a doubt in my mind, I recommend that anyone and everyone who wants to utilize Twitter to its fullest potential should read this book. It’s one you’ll want to keep on hand by your computer or in E-book form on your desktop.
Monday, July 19, 2010
RUSH Intro/"Spirit Of Radio" Albuquerque NM June 29th 2010
What a day! What a week! What a sensation, eh? I'm having the great pleasure of finding more and more vids of the Rush Tour 2010 that I. Am. Not. Going. To. AGAIN this year. I suppose I'll just have to be happy with my memories of, oh, say 33 concerts over 25 years....
This is the opening vid and start of "Spirit of Radio" at Albukookie NM (HI JANIE!) June 29
This is the opening vid and start of "Spirit of Radio" at Albukookie NM (HI JANIE!) June 29
Friday, June 11, 2010
Late last night, as I was listening to a CD on my personal CD player, I thought about how low-tech I really am. The thing is, I'm fine with that!
While I obviously have a PC, I saw a manual typewriter on Freecycle the other day and was tempted, but just for a minute. I must confess to having a digital camera and a flip video thingy, but I wouldn't cry over losing either one. There are only oh so many cat pictures and vids one can make, right?
I'm very happy to have an old-fashioned family doctor who knows me inside out and upside down rather than an array of specialists. Also love having a small local pharmacy who still delivers when you are ailing.
I have no Ipod, no Ipad, no Laptop, no Iphone, no Smartphone, hell not even a cell phone!
I have a DVD player, but not a DVR. I still have tons of things in VHS format.
We still own our LP's! Vinyl! Have CD's and DVD's but wouldn't know a Blue Ray if it stung me.
There is nothing that could be called "flat screen" in our humble abode.
I actually still check email before I log on to see what's going on at Facebook or what Twitter is trending. When I do any web site work, I code in HTML by hand- although I do know how to use WYSIWYG editors.
Newspapers are still delivered to our house by a kid. Sure, I read news online, but I do my crossword and read my comics the old style way. Much like with a book, I love the feel of actual news paper in my hands. Back in the day, late 80's I worked for a leading computer magazine. Unixworld. Now defunct. Today, if I want to do most freelance writing, I'm forced to do it on the net. For the most part, that's fine, but it somehow lacks the personal interaction and even personal conflicts that made work more human.
Our Mr. Coffee does not have a programmable timer, unless you count me, making the coffee same time every AM hoping I'm awake enough to measure properly.
The most prevalent furniture in our house are bookcases in every room. Books are the accessories of choice. My favorite places are libraries and independent bookstores, so, you guessed it, I don't own a Kindle or a Nook or any kind of e-reader.
I've never texted anyone in my life, don't plan to start, and frankly wouldn't want to learn how to un-spell. IMO texting has dumbed down our kids to a point that this country may never recover as any sort of educational leader.
Recently, I was part of a discussion about how rude it is for people to Text when they are at a restaurant or a gathering of folks visiting and just kicking back together. During said discussion, while participating in the discussion, two people were glued to texting or checking their I-phones! One got the hint, the other was oblivious. Obviously hypnotized and chained to the hi- tech products rather than actual human interaction.
I'm about to become even more "Stone-Age" 1995 Buick has bit the dust and with no plans, nor finances for a new vehicle, my only mode of transport will either be my feet or waiting for hubby to drive me around. Unless, of course, they bring ZipCars to Danvers! Now that I'd be willing to upgrade my status to that of 2010 gal with an environmentally good plan for resuming automotive capability and saving $$.
Some of you are shaking your heads and maybe even feeling sorry for me. Please don't! Other than not having a car for the foreseeable future, I'm happy!
#LowTech and proud of it. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
LowTech Mama,
While I obviously have a PC, I saw a manual typewriter on Freecycle the other day and was tempted, but just for a minute. I must confess to having a digital camera and a flip video thingy, but I wouldn't cry over losing either one. There are only oh so many cat pictures and vids one can make, right?
I'm very happy to have an old-fashioned family doctor who knows me inside out and upside down rather than an array of specialists. Also love having a small local pharmacy who still delivers when you are ailing.
I have no Ipod, no Ipad, no Laptop, no Iphone, no Smartphone, hell not even a cell phone!
I have a DVD player, but not a DVR. I still have tons of things in VHS format.
We still own our LP's! Vinyl! Have CD's and DVD's but wouldn't know a Blue Ray if it stung me.
There is nothing that could be called "flat screen" in our humble abode.
I actually still check email before I log on to see what's going on at Facebook or what Twitter is trending. When I do any web site work, I code in HTML by hand- although I do know how to use WYSIWYG editors.
Newspapers are still delivered to our house by a kid. Sure, I read news online, but I do my crossword and read my comics the old style way. Much like with a book, I love the feel of actual news paper in my hands. Back in the day, late 80's I worked for a leading computer magazine. Unixworld. Now defunct. Today, if I want to do most freelance writing, I'm forced to do it on the net. For the most part, that's fine, but it somehow lacks the personal interaction and even personal conflicts that made work more human.
Our Mr. Coffee does not have a programmable timer, unless you count me, making the coffee same time every AM hoping I'm awake enough to measure properly.
The most prevalent furniture in our house are bookcases in every room. Books are the accessories of choice. My favorite places are libraries and independent bookstores, so, you guessed it, I don't own a Kindle or a Nook or any kind of e-reader.
I've never texted anyone in my life, don't plan to start, and frankly wouldn't want to learn how to un-spell. IMO texting has dumbed down our kids to a point that this country may never recover as any sort of educational leader.
Recently, I was part of a discussion about how rude it is for people to Text when they are at a restaurant or a gathering of folks visiting and just kicking back together. During said discussion, while participating in the discussion, two people were glued to texting or checking their I-phones! One got the hint, the other was oblivious. Obviously hypnotized and chained to the hi- tech products rather than actual human interaction.
I'm about to become even more "Stone-Age" 1995 Buick has bit the dust and with no plans, nor finances for a new vehicle, my only mode of transport will either be my feet or waiting for hubby to drive me around. Unless, of course, they bring ZipCars to Danvers! Now that I'd be willing to upgrade my status to that of 2010 gal with an environmentally good plan for resuming automotive capability and saving $$.
Some of you are shaking your heads and maybe even feeling sorry for me. Please don't! Other than not having a car for the foreseeable future, I'm happy!
#LowTech and proud of it. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
LowTech Mama,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Killer Characters
The Cozy Chicks have a Cool New Blog--written by the characters from your favorite cozy mysteries! How unique and fun is that!!!!
I'm excited to read it, and today it starts out with a character from author Ellery Adams.
Check it out!
Killer Characters
I'm excited to read it, and today it starts out with a character from author Ellery Adams.
Check it out!
Killer Characters
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Latest book news
I know I keep saying I'm thisclose to done with the sequel to Banana. I really am! It's just that the characters aren't. They have more to tell and more to do and as their humble servant I must obey! Deadline approaches, no more flexibility, I'm on it! Meantime, refresh your memory (haha) of parts of Banana by clicking on the Widget above!
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Sky Is Everywhere
I seem to be continuing to find fascinating new YA books and authors! Last night, I finished the truly wonderful "The Sky is Everywhere" by Jandy Nelson.
I loved everything about this book, and will likely read it at least 23 more times (grin to Jandy!)
While a sad story about the sudden and tragic death of 19 year old Bailey Walker, the tale features Bailey's younger sister, Lennie, and how her whole world is changed and how she herself fundamentally grows and changes as a result.
It's a romantic story too! Young love at it's purest with all the resulting emotions and fears well illustrated. The characters are all vibrant, alive to the reader and astonishingly unique, lovable, smart, funny and charismatic.
Jandy Nelson has published her first novel with "The Sky Is Everywhere". Her ability to spin a web of people and events so interconnected that they buzz with electricity right from the page into the reader's heart makes her a Master Storyteller in my book. Her way with words, the oft said "turn of phrase", the way she opens the souls of each person she has created are all indeed special gifts.
I'm recommending this book to all Young Adults and any and all Adults who love a truly well crafted book. As for me, I'm hoping that Ms. Nelson is hard at work on her next book and her next one after that and I wish her phenomenal success. this book today! You won't regret a minute of your time or a penny well spent! There's an Amazon link above to make it easy for you.
Happy Weekend!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
What can I say? I'm not going to Tribeca, not going to see the Rush tour this summer. Am happy with YouTube cuts and hope to see the movie when it's out this summer. See, I freaking told you guys Rush would endure.
Hi Ged! Hi Big Al!
Monday, May 3, 2010
If you loved reading "A Wrinkle in Time"..
As a youngster I adored "A Wrinkle in Time". As an adult I still loved it so much that I added it to my ever growing book collection, read it again and hung on to it.
Yesterday, I had the great fortune to read the YA book "When You Reach Me" by the talented Rebecca Stead. "A Wrinkle in Time" figures prominently in this story, so of course I had to find my copy. You know what? Despite bookcases all over our house, I found it in a dark room, using just a flash light, in under 30 seconds!
I'm not going to give a summary review of "When You Reach Me". You can find such reviews at Amazon when you click on the link above to go buy your copy. What I will say is that the book is amazing, unique and a really great read for all ages and both boys/men and girls/women. Loved it, loved it, loved it! My copy is going to live right next to "A Wrinkle in Time"
Thank you very much Rebecca Stead for sharing this story!! I can't wait to read whatever your write next!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Lovely Blogs Deserve Awards!
Today it is my turn to pass this award on to ten other Lovely Blogs. It is my privilege to share the list with you:
The Frugal, Smart and Tuned in Editor
The Lipstick Chronicles
Jane Ellen Music
Clea Simon
Joanna Bailey Weddings
Albert The Cat
Mystery Lovers Kitchen
Deborah Adams
Julie Hyzy and her blog
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
One Lovely Blog Award

With heartfelt gratitude to Heather at Heather Webber for the One Lovely Blog Award.
In accepting this One Lovely Blog award, I've posted it here on my blog, and given the name of the person who granted it to my blog. I will next be passing it along to 10 other blogs and am pondering which 10 and they will be awarded within the next 24 hours.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I love author Heather Webber's books! Truly, Madly, I do!
Happy Monday! This morning I have vowed to sit down and pound out at least 2,000 words on my WIP. It's early (7 am) so that is still within the realm of possibility.
Yet over my morning java, I finished reading Heather Webber's new book Truly, Madly The book won me over in the first chapter and by the end, I was just about drooling with anticipation for the soon to be released Deeply, Desperately. Thus, my priorities shifted and I just had to write this blog entry. After all, my WIP isn't going to get up and walk away on it's own, and I'm really not stuck in Procrastination Station (waving madly to Heather here!). It's very important to me to take the time to share my profound appreciation of the wonderful authors whose work I enjoy immensely and those who inspire me when the words that fly out of my fingertips are much more awkward than they were in my head. Heather is most definitely an inspiration, she makes me want to write better and as soon as I finish this, watch out WIP here I come!
I became a fan on Heather's while reading her Nina Quinn Mystery Series and as I virtually met Heather through Facebook & got to know more about her as a person I realized how special she is. I anxiously awaited her new series starring Lucy Valentine, who has the psychic gift of finding lost items which she sees in visions that appear when shaking hands with people who have lost or misplaced something important to them. Lucy's family has their own secret ability; that of seeing auras and using the auras to matchmake couples who are bound to work out. Lucy lost that talent due to an electrical surge, thus opening the door to her new skill and her desire to find a purpose behind it. In Truly, Madly ,is set in and around Boston, Heather writes with genuine knowledge and love for the area, having grown up in a suburb of Boston herself. This, of course, made me curious (aka nosy) since I live in a suburb of Boston and wondered if she'd been raised nearby me. I got my answer as I perused her website and learned where she had her first job delivering papers. Not so near to me, as it turns out, but Heather is very much a lady after my own heart and we both root for the Red Sox, and after, all, that's what really counts if you are a Massachusetts native!
For those who love a good mystery, a unique storyline, and great, fun characters who are so well written you want them to be your friends in real life, you won't want to miss the new Lucy Valentine series. Gardeners (and everyone else, frankly) will also love the Nina Quinn mysteries. I promise! You can order copies from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers, but wouldn't it be great to support your local independent book store? Please be sure to visit Heather's web site to learn more about Heather and her books. She also blogs on the site, has a contest, and lots of cool content.
Heather and I do have more than a love of writing and reading and the Red Sox in common: we both love animals, don't know how to use an MP3 player, have never traveled overseas, tend to procrastinate, and have bad memories! I had to go back to Heather's Web Site to re-read her "about" page to refresh my memory on the above points...and I know there are more, but I seem to have disremembered.
Anyway- the long and the short of it is this: get yourself copies of all of Heather's books. You can read the Nina Quinn mysteries while waiting for "Deeply Desperately" to be released in August. First though, grab ahold of "Truly, Madly" and don't let go until you have thoroughly enjoyed every single word! Hat's off to Heather.
Oh, but wait! I just remembered something! When I was looking into Heather's background, oh so discreetly, to see if she'd been a neighbor at any time, I tried Wikipedia. The only Heather Webber I found was the notorious vixen from daytime drama "General Hospital". That Heather Webber had a few portrayers, but one of them was Cher's sister Georganne LaPierre! Hmmm.The son of that Heather Webber is now a doc on the I don't know exactly what happened to "Heather", but wouldn't it be a hoot if our beloved author friend made a cameo on the show, perhaps as a patient, using her own name? Perhaps I can connect my best bud Karen WubsNet and Heather to do an interview about her books and her drama queen namesake....I'll be doing some guest blogging at WubsNet this week myself, so GH fans, you'll know where to find me, although I can pretty much guarantee I'll only have half an ear on the tv as I'll be knee deep in my own WIP!
Peace & Light,
Monday, April 12, 2010
Procter and Gamble to reduce 1,4-dioxane levels in Herbal Essences shampoos
Procter and Gamble to reduce 1,4-dioxane levels in Herbal Essences shampoos
Write or Die today. Perhaps Herbal Essences already helped me along. Good that they are taking this out, or rather, reducing, but dang....enough said, right?
Monday, April 5, 2010
Facebook | MILITARY DREAM WEDDING GIVEAWAY by Joanna Bailey Weddings
Our beloved niece Amy Burns and her fiancee Michael Grant are this years winners of the Military Dream Wedding by Joanna Bailey Weddings. We are so thrilled for them! Amy and Mike have been through a lot- especially their tour in Iraq. No one could be more deserving!
I remember so well making Amy's web site while she was in Iraq- the pictures, especially the children, were amazing. We all worried and worried about Amy and were so happy when she came home. This wedding will be the icing on the cake for Amy and Mike's love story!
Facebook | MILITARY DREAM WEDDING GIVEAWAY by Joanna Bailey Weddings: "MILITARY DREAM WEDDING GIVEAWAY by Joanna Bailey Weddings The couple who has been chosen to receive this year's Military Dream Wedding is Amy Burns and Staff Sergeant Michael Grant! Please take a few minutes to meet them... I think you will agree that they are extraordinarily deserving. Their story will unfold over the next week. I truly hope that anyone who takes the time to learn about Amy and Mike will listen to their story with an open heart."
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
Good Friday already and the sun is shining and our back yard is drying out! No more rushing river!
BookBuzzr has a new mini widget so I grabbed one:
Mr Ollie has been practicing his poses for the next book cover as you can see in the photo above. He even has props this time! Yes, yes, I am still working on the book- slow but steady. I promise I'll get it done soon! I already have a whole box of promotion materials to give away, so that is my extra incentive!
Enjoy the weather if it is as nice where you are as it is here! About time too- we were overdue! 80 tomorrow!
BookBuzzr has a new mini widget so I grabbed one:
Mr Ollie has been practicing his poses for the next book cover as you can see in the photo above. He even has props this time! Yes, yes, I am still working on the book- slow but steady. I promise I'll get it done soon! I already have a whole box of promotion materials to give away, so that is my extra incentive!
Enjoy the weather if it is as nice where you are as it is here! About time too- we were overdue! 80 tomorrow!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Yes I Will or No I Won't now (sung to Should I Stay or Should I Go Now; The Clash)
cartoon Comments
Yes, you may leave blog comments. Yes, I will moderate them, and most likely reject them if they are bots or spam. Genuine comments, yes, I will publish them.
No, I will not participate in any Facebook Apps. That means No, I will not get involved in Farmville. Ever. Not if my life depended on it as I truly believe it is contributing to the utter dumbing down of Americans. Nor will I participate in Mafia Wars, Petville, any of the games or gifts. So just stop asking.
Yes, you may however, be my friend on Facebook providing I don't have a grudge against you, find you unbelievably dull, or I don't know you and don't want to know you. Or if I used to know you and obviously no longer want to know you. With me so far?
Yes- you may follow me on Twitter. No, I probably won't follow you unless you really have something interesting to Tweet about. Not that I promise interesting Tweets from me, but sometimes there are gems in there. Yes, Sophie and Ollie do have their own Twitter account, but generally they snub it.
Yes, I will Guest Blog for you- especially if you have an author group web site, a book review web site or are a friend of the WubQueen.
Yes, I will write a book review for you on Amazon or Barnes and Noble-- if I have actually read your book and especially if I liked it. Common sense here- if I read your book and didn't like it, do you really want me to write a book review anyway?
No, I will not likely participate in a Podcast, nor a live chat, nor make a YouTube video of anything, other than perhaps my cats.
Yes! Yes! I will send you magnets or bookmarks or other stuff if you are interested in my novels.
Ok- YES- dang it-- I will put down some of the 45 library books I have at the moment and get back to writing the finale of Google Ghoulash and get it off to the Editor before he gives up on me completely.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Guest Blogging at Powered By Books
Writing Book Reviews by Laura Hinds | POWERED by BOOKS BLOG
I enjoyed writing todays blog post for Powered By Books for the wonderful Deb Baker. It was a fun post to write and Deb is an absolute joy to work with! Author of the Yooper Mystery Series and Dolls to Die for Mysteries, Deb has a new series coming soon under the pen name of Hannah Reed. Visit Deb at to learn all about her books. They are favorites of mine and I can't wait for the Queen Bee books!
Onward and upward, today is dedicated to writing the ending to the upcoming Google Ghoulash and the evening to editing. I cleverly made enough dinners for the next several days so I don't have to cook! YAY!
I enjoyed writing todays blog post for Powered By Books for the wonderful Deb Baker. It was a fun post to write and Deb is an absolute joy to work with! Author of the Yooper Mystery Series and Dolls to Die for Mysteries, Deb has a new series coming soon under the pen name of Hannah Reed. Visit Deb at to learn all about her books. They are favorites of mine and I can't wait for the Queen Bee books!
Onward and upward, today is dedicated to writing the ending to the upcoming Google Ghoulash and the evening to editing. I cleverly made enough dinners for the next several days so I don't have to cook! YAY!
Friday, February 19, 2010
My book is for sale WHERE????
I used CreateSpace to publish my first novel "Are You Gonna Eat That Banana?" early in 2009. Sure, I had some sales, but mostly to friends, and friends of friends. A few sales from Twitter & Facebook, but nothing to write home about.
At present, I'm in the final stages of editing and getting the book cover done for the sequel. I'm still holding the name a secret up my sleeve for a bit longer- just to keep you guessing!
I did enroll in CreateSpace's new Expanded Distribution program, but some weeks had passed and no real results. All of a sudden, wowza! My book is for sale through multiple outlets, including "in bulk" at I kept looking and sure enough, it is also available at and Amazon. uk! Now I just need to get the word out to people in JP and UK! So if ya know anyone....hint hint!
It's been a lovely miserable weather winter- lovely as I can justify sitting and reading, writing book reviews for, reading more, and really fine tuning this next novel. Yes, before you ask, I did indeed do the first 50,000 plus words during NaNoWriMo. Again, no need to ask- that is National Novel Writing Month. I'm very excited about the upcoming book because not only have I learned alot and grown as a writer, I've had the advantage of time on my side to do it correctly.
Bravo and Kudos to NANOWRIMO and CreateSpace!
Oh 'n' btw- I get Google Alerts for my name all the time. There is another Laura Hinds, she's 18 or 19 and lives in the UK. SO if you see anything about me using Google that makes you scratch your head or think I've lost mine- it's not me! Hey! She lives in the to find my namesake for some UK marking help!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The sequel to "Are You Gonna Eat That Banana?" is in the works and I'm also in the midst of doing some virtual PR.
Winter is a great time for both reading and writing! Here's the BookBuzzr link from so you can take a look before purchasing! You'll want to read "Banana" first so you can be at full speed for the sequel (yes, the title is still a secret!)
Winter is a great time for both reading and writing! Here's the BookBuzzr link from so you can take a look before purchasing! You'll want to read "Banana" first so you can be at full speed for the sequel (yes, the title is still a secret!)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Snow is indeed Simple
Snow is simple if you rely on your body's signals- aches, pains, pressure...even your nose can smell snow on the way. Snow is not so simple if you are a TV Weather Futurecaster. The answer for them is CYA...and each channel gives a slightly different forecast so one of them is bound to be right. Snow was forecast to start at 4pm yesterday. They kept pushing the timeline up and I believe it was closer to 4 AM today!
Around 6:30 am I decided to take the Flipcam as far as the front door and video whatever I might see. Snow, snow,Snowplow at the corner trees, snow. Snowplow still just sitting there. What's he waiting for? Christmas? Oh! Car! Snowplow..
Whatdaya want from me? I hadn't even had coffee!
Around 6:30 am I decided to take the Flipcam as far as the front door and video whatever I might see. Snow, snow,Snowplow at the corner trees, snow. Snowplow still just sitting there. What's he waiting for? Christmas? Oh! Car! Snowplow..
Whatdaya want from me? I hadn't even had coffee!
Friday, December 18, 2009
So what DID happen to November?

Before I tell you all about November, and what is happening this week before Christmas, please allow me to introduce one of my most favorite readers! Stormy belongs to my good pal Jackie and has loved reading about Sophie and Ollie in my novel!~ Stormy angling for a guest role in Google Ghoulash?
Speaking of Jackie-- the cupcakes are one her favorite things to bake and they look so yummy that my tummy is growling just looking at the picture!
November-- well National Novel Writing Month pretty much consumed me. Well, that and various medical ups and downs for hubby and me-- thank goodness all is well! Oh, and there was Thanksgiving too!
All in all, I made the 50K NANOWRIMO challenge in about 16-17 days of writing, finishing up at the 29th of November. Most of my writing was in fits and starts, but this time around I knew my characters, knew my story and had a plan. Unlike last year when I wrote "Are You Gonna Eat that Banana?" with no plot, no plan and characters who were strangers to me. This year was really fun!
I still have to finish writing the story- and will- I already know how it ends, but for now I'm working with some writing software to iron out the kinks of the first 35 chapters, trying to decide on a cover design, and I admit, reading, reading and more reading to catch up with some of my favorite authors/series who were neglected in November.
Christmas is almost upon us and this is the first year of my adult life in which I have not mailed one snail mail card, not given any gifts- and don't intend to. Wow? Bah Humbug you say? E-cards save trees, and these days NOTHING goes on a credit card and no one needs more stuff anyway. I'd rather get things out of the house- have given many Christmas things on local Freecycle, and even gave away our artificial tree to a stranger! So- my punishment for my No Christmas Spirit Zone?
Maybe the 3 Ghosts...but even worse, now they say SNOW SNOW AND MORE SNOW!
Hey- Happy Merry! Catch ya on Twitter where I spend way too much time!
Friday, November 13, 2009

Ok, so the story goes that kids at Danvers High have been saying "MEEP" much to the annoyance of staff and the principal. This even caused an automated telephone call to go out to parents issuing an "edict banning the use of the word meep" in the High School! Despite vague explanations and concerns about behavior this became a front page headline in The Salem News the other day.
My take: Why aren't they more worried about things like drugs, alcohol, sexting and so forth? Give me a break! In my day, I would have staged a walk out protest! Oh wait- I didn't stage one, but went along on one as a freshman when the seniors walked out and walkd to Town Hall to protest something I don't even remember.
Oh and there was the time we took our chairs on wheels racing up and down the hall to torture a shorthand teacher with either a wooden hand or fingers. Damn I'm old- can't remember. There was also the time I didn't want to read aloud in English class and feigned largynitis, but I had an accomplice- a girl pal who had crutches for sprained ankle. We got to leave class early so I could carry her books since I wouldn't be "speaking". Got to the hall and she threw down the crutches and ran and I yelled "Hey wait up!"
Oh- and those notes from MD to get me out of Gym for all 4 years-- I totally blackmailed him to sign them. He's dead now so I can say that.
Anyway- the cartoon which doesn't show well here says "The Students want WHO as a commencement speaker?" and shows a harried secretary watching the principal chuck a nutty. Then the speaker is none other than "Beaker" from The Muppet Show.
Danvers High Principal-- you are so lucky I've been out of there for decades. Go MEEP yourself!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Big News!
For the month of October, I will donate any and all book proceeds to! Team Scrubs Wubs as part of the 2009 LA Aids Charity event. Please buy your copy of "Are You Gonna Eat Your Banana" NOW and help the cause.
The other big news is that I am officially entered in NaNoWriMo for November 2009 and this time have a plot, a plan and an editor in place!!! This is to be a sequel to "Are You Gonna Eat That Banana?" and I'm going to Tweet as I write too!
The other big news is that I am officially entered in NaNoWriMo for November 2009 and this time have a plot, a plan and an editor in place!!! This is to be a sequel to "Are You Gonna Eat That Banana?" and I'm going to Tweet as I write too!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fishing Equipment info
Fishing equipment is all sold- thanks for the reminder from the nice fellow from the UK!
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