Hi all,
I've been quite busy with writing and also reading a lot! I apologize for not blogging. I also have nothing to say, really, so for today, I'm sharing an interesting story that I heard about on Coast to Coast at 1 am!
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The "Joint Reconnaissance Study Group" is the name of the special research team in my novels, "MISSION INTO LIGHT" and the sequel "LIGHT'S HAND." The ideas behind this group are useful for many kinds of people and activities. By viewing information in this blog, readers join the efforts of the Joint Recon Study Group.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Ancient crashed UFO claimed to be from dinosaur age, 150 million years ago
(This article also appears on AmericanChronicle.com.)
By Steve Hammons
News released today about a secret U.S. Government project to analyze an allegedly extraterrestrial craft has a unique twist.
This craft did not crash in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.
According to the anonymous sources, it crashed approximately 150 million years ago during the age of the dinosaurs.
This information has been posted on the SERPO.org Web site, home to other reports about extraterrestrial visitation reportedly provided by current and former officials of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
The conduit for the information is Victor Martinez, the moderator of an e-mail “stream” information service that focuses on topics related to anomalous phenomena. Martinez has reportedly worked for several U.S. Government agencies.
In late 2005, Martinez wrote that these DIA sources had reached out to him to reveal information about “Project SERPO,” a later code name for a secret “exchange program” in the 1960s, ‘70s and ‘80s between a small team of American military personnel and extraterrestrial visitors who had established contact with the U.S. Government.
Other information reportedly provided by these sources noted that the U.S. Government maintains records collected by both U.S. officials and a race of extraterrestrials that notes visitation to Earth in ancient times.
The most recent information report from the anonymous sources via Martinez makes the claim that “A highly classified, sensitive operation with far-reaching national security implications that took place in 1968.”
“A [redacted] archaeological team uncovered a large metallic object in a remote area of southern [redacted] which is a close NATO ally of ours,” according to Martinez’ anonymous sources.
The sources also reportedly told Martinez, “The object was believed to be an alien spacecraft that had crashed approximately 200 million years ago according to the archaeological team. The site subsequently was examined by a USAF recovery team, which then put the age of the alien craft at approximately 150 million years ago.”
As fantastic as this sounds, it is not inconsistent with other speculation that if extraterrestrial visitors have been coming to Earth in recent decades, it is possible they visited in previous centuries and in the far-distant past.
Martinez reports that his sources stated, “Our scientists used the absolute dating method employing decaying radioactive isotopes. Sedimentary rock formations and the fact that the object was embedded into the rock were used to estimate the age of the alien craft.”
“The alien craft itself was 45 feet in diameter,” the sources continued. “The craft was transported to the State of [redacted] and then to the giant [redacted] lab complex in [redacted] and opened.”
“The alien craft contained two highly decomposed alien bodies and decayed animals, which were apparently abducted by these alien beings. The animals were small dinosaurs on board the alien craft.”
Martinez states that his sources provided the following information: “The craft was stored at [redacted] and years of intense research were conducted. The last time I checked, the research team ruled out the craft being of Eben origin.”
“Eben” is a name allegedly given to an ET culture who have visited Earth from the Zeta Reticuli star system, were the group who crashed in Roswell and the beings with whom the U.S. shared the exchange program.
The anonymous sources allegedly added, “However, no one could tell where it came from. The alien bodies were far too decomposed to be thoroughly examined. They were about 5 feet tall and had very large, bulbous heads.”
“To the best of my knowledge, 'Operation [redacted]' is still an ongoing project. I personally worked on the operation in the early '70s.”
“The instruments from the craft were interesting because they were made of small crystal-like devices, wired together with a form of very fine wire.”
“The alien propulsion system contained a large chamber with what we called ‘rocks’ (obviously some form of energy) in the chamber. Large vents placed around the chamber vented some sort of power, radiation or some form of tremendous energy generated through the vents and into the propulsion chamber which enabled interstellar space travel.”
The anonymous sources claimed, “Examination of the rocks found zinc, and several unknown materials and alloys which we still cannot identify to this day. The ‘rocks’ obviously lost all of their energy over the years. They were not radioactive nor did they contain any special properties. We could never power up the alien craft in the nearly 40 years we've had possession of it.”
“We could not locate the actual power system and therefore could never operate any of the equipment contained within the craft. However, we did find a 'star chart.' The chart was created from outside of the Earth on the alien home world.”
“To this day, we have been unable to read and decipher the alien star chart. The star chart was of a deep area of space, but our scientists haven't been able to find that specific area of space.”
“ … the amazing … alien technology on this craft has similarly stumped us; while some progress has been made on it since 1968, it's been minimal (partially due to the poor, degraded condition of the alien craft).”
In the posting on SERPO.org and in his e-mail stream, Martinez and his anonymous sources reflect on the implications of what a discovery of this nature means.
“Anonymous” writes, “… the existence of alien civilizations who had already achieved space traveling capabilities zipping around the Milky Way Galaxy (and perhaps others) truly boggles the mind.”
“The Ebens were perhaps still in their ‘galactic diapers’ when these alien beings were already visiting other worlds –150-200 MYA [million years ago] and Homo sapiens did not even exist!”
“One can only wonder and speculate where a civilization – that had already achieved interstellar space travel – would be at today technologically from 150-200 MYA!"
Anonymous and Martinez continued their speculation with Anonymous allegedly stating: “How many star systems have they visited by now? How many other alien civilizations have they made successful contact and interacted with, and perhaps carry on some sort of trade with? How many solar systems have they visited and mapped out in our Milky Way Galaxy and perhaps those of other galaxies?”
“One also has to consider the possibility that rather than this crash having occurred in our timeline of 150-200 MYA, these alien beings traveled to Earth from the future to our distant past – when dinosaurs ruled – as part of a research mission ... that also boggles the mind!” Anonymous said, according to Martinez.
As with all of the Project SERPO information, this latest chapter will surely provoke discussion, doubts about its truthfulness and trigger the imaginations of many readers.
Is it true? Is it some kind of disinformation or phony claim? Is there some truth hidden within inaccurate information?
Is it part of an “acclimation” program to prepare Americans and the human race for the awareness of very interesting and surprising information?
At present, it is not possible for most readers to confirm the truthfulness of the statements Anonymous is reportedly making to Martinez and Martinez is passing on to the public.
What may be helpful for our perspectives, however, is considering that if extraterrestrial visitation to Earth is a reality, then it could have been occurring in time frames beyond what we might have previously thought.